Tattoo and mental health

have recently decided to have a couple of tattoos commissioned. Now, this may seem a surprising topic for what is essentially a blog on mental health, but bear with me… it does have a connection and something I have been thinking about for a while so please do not jump off the sofa and go and get one yourself, after all they should mean something o you and be something you really want as it is with you the rest of your life… much like my battle with depression.

And I suppose that is the first connection, much like depression these two pieces will be with me for the rest of my life. So whilst I have had two commissioned, one of which that has started, it is the one I haven’t started yet that I will begin with. This piece is going to be a fallen angel. I am not particularly religious although I have sought solace from religious texts in the past. The choice is the image it conveys, a fallen man/angel with his wings hiding his face and body. This is a reminder of the illness I face, a lot of the shape and feeling clearly represents what depression is to me, shame, hiding away, alone, dark. These are all emotions that come with being depressed. Some people have told me that it is not a good idea and question he reason, but contextualising it and accepting it is there has actually helped my healing, helped my wellbeing and reminds me to be vigilant to ensure that scenario comes to pass.

The second piece is far more inspiring and positive. It is a phoenix rising from the fire/ashes. Quite simply this reminds me that it will pass. I will come out of a spell of depression stronger, reborn much like how the mythical beast dies and rebirths in the flame. It is a piece of hope for when I am next in that spell. Each time I have been through a severe depressive episode I have come back stronger, more resilient and having learnt a lot about myself. And I suppose that is why I want it, when you are in that spell it really is hard to remind yourself that it will get better, that you can get out of it, which is why I want it right there. A lot of people will not get or realise the symbolism, they are just two pieces of beautiful art, but to me and now to anyone reading this they are so much more.

Author: onemansfightwithmentalhealth

I don't profess to be an expert in the world of mental health and I certainly do not have the answers. However I have felt it quite cathartic to write about my battles and hopefully even if only one person takes something from that it will be a victory in itself

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